Category Archives: Angels

Some Common Signs and Their Meanings

Signs and symbols are all around us.  They represent the language of the subconscious (hello, Carl Jung).  But frequently, they’re also a way for entities on the Other Side to speak with us.


When you have a question or an issue that you want guidance on, ask for a sign from your guides – then remain gently aware as you go through your day. Pay particular attention if you repeatedly see the same sign, or it pops up in a dream several times.

These signs may show up literally (like having a fender bender) — or as an image in an unusual place (like a pic of a baby in a store window).  Trust that sense in the back of your brain that tells you there’s something different.

The following list are some of the more common ones I’ve run across.  Got any favorites of your own?  Add them in the comments section!


ACCIDENT: A wake-up call; pay attention!

ACORN: From small beginnings, great things grow. Good sign when you’re starting something new.

AIRPLANE: Soaring to new heights; having high ideals.

BABY: New beginnings; potential; new spiritual awareness; new ideas.

BELL: Can be a warning; be alert.

BOAT: An emotional journey; leaving the safety of land to “test the waters.”

BOOKS: Wisdom, knowledge, lessons to be learned.

BUTTERFLY: New beginnings on a higher plane; joy and bliss.

CAR: Represents the “vehicle” that you travel through life in; if there are problems in the car, how do they represent what’s happening in your body or your life?

CAT: Your deep, intuitive self; feelings of independence and power.

CLOCKS: What is your relationship to time? Is it running too fast, too slow?

CLOUDS: Clear clouds mean spiritual uplifting: storm clouds indicate trouble brewing followed by a period of “cleansing.”

CROSS: Infinite love; a ladder to the highest levels of God; protection.

DOG: Faithfulness, loyalty, truthfulness.

FEATHER: Presence of spirit; an important message from the Creator.

FIRE: The power of the life force; desire; energy.

HOUSE: Represents your physical and spiritual body; if there are leaks, clogs, problems, what parts of your life mirror that? What do you need to “clean up” or “fix”?

KEY: Doors are opening; solutions are at hand.

LIGHTNING: Indicates speed, strength and awakening the life force; a very powerful sign.

MONEY: If you keep finding money, your finances are improving; coins or small change indicate “changes” on the way.

OCEAN: Represents inner power. What is the state of the water?   Calm or stormy?

PEN/PENCIL: Express yourself.

RAINBOW: Extremely favorable sign: a message that you’re going in the right direction; new hope after a period of difficulty.

STREET SIGNS and BILLBOARDS: Notice what they’re saying to you.

SNAKE: A symbol of healing, transformation.

STORM: Inner turmoil followed by a period of calm; the air is clearing.

TELEPHONE: Trying to get your attention; a subconscious message trying to come through.

TIDAL WAVE: Huge emotional upheaval.


Four Tools for A Spiritual Makeover

I recently re-did my office to make it my “reading room” for clients. Put away are the corporate items that once dominated the room: files, binders with reports, back issues of trade magazines and biz-related books. Those now reside in a couple of big containers stashed elsewhere.

Instead, I’ve consciously reworked the space to give off a peaceful, healing and spiritual vibe.   It helps me during the reading, but it also puts my client into a calm, positive space that they take with them afterwards.

Over the years, I’ve amassed a boatload of tools, tchotkes, potions, powders, Tarot decks, oracle decks, books and more related to the spiritual realms. I had fun dragging them all out and arranging them in my new room. But when it gets right down to it, there are four things that anyone can display in their home that will instantly pull in wonderful energies.


One of my friends had a living room that looked like a rock shop. Crystals everywhere.   I haven’t gone that far, but I do keep some particular ones in my room: quartz, amethyst and rose quartz. Those are the go-to stones and cover a lot of ground, purpose-wise. Displaying even a single crystal in your home changes the energies. I wrote more about stones here and here.



The light from a candle isn’t just warm and peaceful, it serves as a beacon to helpful entities on the Other Side. They’re drawn to the gentle illumination. The ritual of lighting a candle instantly dials down the everyday drama and puts you in a more peaceful state.



There’s a reason churches and temples burn incense: it creates sacred space. In some traditions, incense “carries” our prayers to the heavens.   Before my client arrives, I light the incense, then carry it around the room (in a dish of sand so no random embers drop onto the carpet). It’s the fastest way to “get in the zone.”



At last count, I had figures of Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Archangel Michael, St. Teresa, St. Anthony, St. Francis, random angels, a Native American shaman and some Hindu god whose name escapes me. Seeing this parade of enlightened beings from all traditions grounds me. It reminds me that there are entities available to help us as we navigate life’s ups and downs. But even a single image of a being meaningful to you instantly draws in powerful spiritual energy.


Got any favorite items of your own? How do you “make over” your space?  Spill it in the comments!

How A Dream Journal Connects You to the Other Side

One of the most valuable sources of spiritual information available to us comes through our dreams.  This is where our minds are stilled from the distractions of the day, where our subconscious relaxes and opens up. The dream state is the meeting place where our spirit guides, angels and loved ones on the Other Side can get in touch more easily.


And its where we can access information and messages from these entities. Keeping a Dream Journal allows you to compile this rich source of info; simply trying to “remember” a powerful image or dream experience pretty much guarantees it will vanish by the time you’ve finished your breakfast. Besides, some messages may resonate days or even weeks later. So writing them down is just smart.

Because this can be such a moving, enlightening part of your life, pick out an extra-nice blank journal and a pretty pen. Scrawling your insights in lipstick on the take-out receipt just doesn’t have the same vibe.

The info that downloads from the spiritual realm may come as a simple word, a feeling, an image – or a whole, long dream where you’re jamming with Aerosmith while wearing a hoop skirt straight out of Gone With the Wind.

That's me with the scarves.

That’s me with the scarves.

I’m pretty good at recalling my dreams, and when I write them down, I go back and highlight particular words or feelings that jump out from the whole scenario.

Dating your entries is also crucial: when you look back, you may spot an overall “thread” that has meaning. Or individual dates may align with important events in your life: the death-date of someone special, your birthday, anniversariies, etc.

When it comes to both getting messages from angels, loved ones or spirit in your dreams – and recalling them in general –your intention is everything. Before you go to sleep, ask for something to be sent your way – and the ability to remember it. When you first wake up from your dream, stay still for a moment or two to “capture” it. Then record it in your journal. This becomes a practice, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a little time. It wlll happen.

I also keep a couple of “dream encyclopedias” by my bedside to help decode various symbols: many times, spirit utilizes universal images like rainbows or birds to communicate with us. No need to reinvent the wheel.

You’ll recognize true messages for the impact they have on you: they stand out from ordinary dreams. Sleep is a great thing – but that time drooling on your pillow can be incredibly healing in more ways than one. Nighty night.


Getting Unstuck

One of the most common things my clients say when they sit down with me is, “I feel….stuck.”  It comes up over and over again. And again.

I know that feeling: you’re like one of those old vinyl records, and the needle keeps skipping. Yes, I’m dating myself, but whatever – where you’re at doesn’t fit in one or more ways. You’re bored with your job, but not sure what else is out there. Your relationship feels like it belongs to someone else.   You’ve got a nagging feeling, “Is this all there is?”   But at the same time, you can’t seem to make any significant moves.

Super-annoying.  Especially if the album is by Captain and Tennille.

Super-annoying. Especially if the album is by Captain and Tennille.

This is where intuitive information can be especially useful:

1) Finding the much, MUCH bigger picture. When you’re deep in the weeds on something like a complicated relationship, its hard to see past your own nose. When I tune in, my intuitive radar pulls back to see other influences at work. Most clients are surprised at what else is going on; that larger perspective is enormously enlightening.

When your issues can be seen...from space!

When your issues can be seen…from space!

2) Decoding the karma and past life influences affecting you. I know, I know: some of you are rolling your eyes. But I’ve had too much evidence of multiple lives; its the way we learn and evolve. And there are plenty of things we “carry over” that impact our present life. A reading can shed some light.


3) Hooking you up with your spirit team. Frequently, I pick up on spirit guides, loved ones on the Other Side – even angels – who are available to help you.   These powerful entities can see waaaay further down the road and provide not just a look ahead, but assistance to get you where you need to go.


There’s a reason humans have access to information from our sixth sense: it’s specifically there to help us live the life we came here to do. So if you’re feeling stuck, take a fresh look and see all the options you have to work with. They’re there. Promise.

Your 8 Spirit Helpers

The last couple weeks have been pretty cool.  During my readings, I’ve been getting some very powerful connections with my client’s spirit guides.

Now, I’m used to linking in with a main guide – the one that stays with us from birth to death. But lately, I’ve had evidence of some of the 7 other guides that are available to each of us.

See, human life is hard. It kicks our ass on a regular basis. But we don’t go through it alone. Each of us has access to a robust “spirit team” that can offer inspiration, information, connections and help as we navigate our path. Unlike angels, spirit guides have been human. So they know what we’re dealing with and are ready to jump in with some help.

Here’s a quick breakdown of your team:

1) The Gatekeeper, Doorkeeper or Master guide. This is the guide who stays with us from the moment of birth to the moment of death. His/her job is to help us stay on track with the life plan we came up with ahead of incarnating. This is your go-to resource for any sort of guidance we need – just ask.

Kinda like this guy...

Kinda like this guy…

The Master guide also coordinates and monitors the other guides who are available:

2) Healer Guides: these can help with any kind of health issue, including emotional issues. Call on them to help you stick to a new diet or fitness routine. If you’re dealing with serious illness, the healer can direct you to information or practitioners that will assist you. Healer guides may have been doctors in their human life, or they may have been shamans, midwives, herbalists, anything related to caring for the body.


3) Teacher Guides: call for a Teacher guide if you’re trying to master a new skill, taking a course or trying to improve any aspect of your life. Kids can call on their Teacher guide to help them with school issues; if you’re having difficulty in a relationship, a teacher guide will present situations as “lessons” to help you break through roadblocks, etc. You’ll have a whole bunch of “aha!” moments with these guys.


Sorry, I still don’t understand algebra.


4) Helper Guide: this guide only shows up at moments of great stress in your life. They will step in to assist in a health crisis or a situation that requires a little extra spiritual muscle.   The energy is very potent, and they often show themselves as a medicine man or shaman.


5) Protector Guide: like a Helper guide, the Protector comes around when the person is in a dangerous situation. They appear as a very large being with a ton of energy emanating from them. Call on them when you’re in a risky profession, for people in the military or any time when you’re in a dodgy place. This doesn’t give you license to step in front of a bus, but when you need some extra protective armor, this is the entity to request.


6) Runner Guide: this guide connects us with the presence of loved ones in spirit or missing items that are especially meaningful to us. They literally “run” to fetch the spirit or information on the missing item – and for that reason, often appear as an animal. Runner guides tend to appear in our dreams, bringing you a link to the invisible dimensions.


7) Warrior Guide: this one is tricky. Warrior guides are there to help us pump up the badass, and help us master fear and weakness. But the energy of the warrior guide is so bold, that it can often lead you into some dicey situations – like turning you into that loudmouth drunk who thinks they’re bulletproof and eggs on a fight. So call on your Warrior guide sparingly.

Seriously.  You don't want this guy hanging around too much.

Seriously. You don’t want this guy hanging around too much.

8) Joy guides: I love these. The Joy guide will make us laugh, will lighten the energy of a heavy situation. Joy guides will lift the spirits of someone in a tough place – like a breath of fresh air. They often appear as little children, and the energy is very fizzy and sparkly.


One thing that I frequently stress in my sessions is that you don’t have to do your life alone. There are resources available to help you make better decisions and move forward in a meaningful way.   Ultimately, you’re responsible – but you have a loving team who will give you fresh input and root you on.  The only things you have to do are 1) ask for their help  2) pay attention to what they send you and 3) thank them.

I wrote about a meditation to help you meet your main spirit guide – but you can use the technique to meet your other team members.




How — and When — Change Really Happens

Her email was all in caps: HELP! I’M TRYING TO CHANGE, BUT DON’T SEE ANYTHING HAPPENING!!!! (Yeah, that made my head hurt, too.)

This client is not alone. Lately, I’ve had a run on folks coming by who are trying their damndest to make a shift – but the results don’t seem to be following. It’s super-frustrating.

Most of us think “change” is like a vending machine: we put our intention in, so we should get an instant payoff. Wouldn’t that be great? But the reality is, we feel like our intention is a stuck bag of potato chips. Hate when that happens.


What I frequently see is that the payoff is closer than we realize. We just have to keep on truckin’. That’s what the Universe asks us to do: keep walking.   Have some faith. Because with each step we take, the Powers That Be take one towards us.

I’ve seen this happen time and again: we think that we have to do it all, but the truth is, we have partners. And when we show the tiniest bit of willingness to move ahead on our path, we get an assist. Our spirit guides, the angels, loved ones on the Other Side….these are just a few of the entities available to us to help us fulfill our mission here  [the rule is, though, you have to ask them for help. Even if you’re not sure what kind of “help” you need,  just send out a generic 911 call.  Then watch for signs that you’ve been heard.]


I also think our idea of “results” needs to shift. Our society encourages the notion of “overnight success,” “instant this” and “instant that.” But successful change is a process. It’s not one moment, but a bunch of them.   If Jeannie could blink and make it happen all at once, that would be cheating (remember how many problems her “help” caused for Major Nelson?  Am I dating myself?)


The Moon card in the Tarot is all about this. You can’t see a foot in front of you in the dark. It’s all kinds of scary (hence, the yapping dogs). But in order to get out of that spooky forest you need to keep pushing through. If you just sit down and curl up in a ball, that’s how you’ll stay.


Be brave. Even when you can’t see the results yet, keep working it.   Keep the finishing line in mind. All of a sudden, you’ll come around the corner – and there it will be.

If I can help you push past some obstacles and stay on the path, get in touch.  In the meantime, sing us out, Bono.


How to Host the Angels

Have you heard about this thing where you host the Archangels? It’s been going around, sort of like a chain letter. Some say you need to pass it on to three people when you’re done; personally, I don’t think you need to. I think they’re happy to help you out, all on your own.

I hosted them once – and it was a pretty interesting experience. If you’d like to give it a go, here’s the breakdown on how to do it.

You’re going to be hosting the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Metatron. They’ll be staying with you for five days.

Not the angels who'll be visiting.

Not the angels who’ll be visiting.

Start by preparing your space. Clean and tidy the house. Then make a little altar (I used the mantle over my fireplace) and place the following items on it:

-A white flower.

-A candle that will stay lit the whole time. I used one of the battery-powered kind, rather than stressing over safety issues.

-An envelope with a letter containing three wishes: one for Earth, one for your family and one for you. Keep it simple.

-An apple, which will sit atop the envelope for the five days.

On the night of your choosing, the angels will arrive at your home at 10:30 pm.. At 10:30, open your front door and read the following out loud:

“Hello, and welcome to our home. I’m grateful you are purifying and bringing peace to this place and to those beings who live in it. I’m grateful to you for bringing harmony, joy and serenity to all of us. I’m very grateful to you for granting me my wishes. Welcome.“

So now, you’ve got five archangels hanging with you. Take advantage of their presence by asking them questions – then stay open to whatever “answers” you get. For some reason, this works best if you do this around 10:30 at night. If you’re not up that late (like me), no worries –spend some time sitting quietly and allow the information to flow whenever’s convenient.

You may also find yourself being woken up between 3 and 5 in the morning with sudden insights or messages.   Don’t they know that some of us have to work the next day????

Anyway, the angels can travel (obviously), so invite them to come with you wherever you go. They don’t take up any room in the car.

During the five days, stay aware for any changes in energy, any coincidences, dreams or other “hmmm” moments.

After their five day visit, open your front door again, thank them for their help and wish them a safe trip. [If you do decide to send them along to three people, know that the angels rest for five days in between destinations. Give the angels the names of their next three people as you bid them farewell.]

Now, carefully burn the envelope. This releases the energy of the three wishes inside. Eat the apple, which has absorbed powerful positive energy during the visit.   Place the flower outside so that it recycles back into Mother Earth.

Ever hosted the angels before?  Let me know how it worked for you!





What Happens to Suicide Victims?

One of the biggest reasons that I wrote my book, OK, So You’re Dead: A Sassy Guide to the Afterlife was to provide comfort. Death is a total game changer, and the manner in which we exit this life shapes the way in which those left behind go on.   For example, with death after a painful illness, there’s sadness, but a sense of relief. When someone dies suddenly in a car accident, the process of grieving is entirely different.

I’ve had several clients who’ve lost someone through suicide. Honestly, this is one of the toughest things ever. For the person who fell so far into despair, this seemed their only way to find peace. For the people left behind, they’re left to navigate all kinds of emotions, from anger to guilt and more.

There’s another aspect to grieving a suicide: wondering what their fate is on the Other Side. Many religions feel that suicide victims will be eternally punished – personally, I think that’s a pretty cruel idea. Didn’t they deal with enough already ?

One school of metaphysical thought states that suicides boomerang right back into life without a break.   Either option adds to the burden of worry shouldered by friends and family.

My take is a little different. I feel that, once they cross over, suicide victims are given some time to heal. Not only are they recovering from whatever drove them to take their own life, they’re also working through their regret at doing it. There are some survivors who recall having a big “Oh, shit, what am I doing?” flash as soon as they jumped or unsuccessfully attempted whatever.   They realize its not the answer they hoped for.  Those who succeed have a similar realization.

I’ve had confirmation from spirit that suicides get a chance to heal and assess where it went off the rails. They’re put into a state where they can look back at their life and see it from a less emotional place. Then they’re told that whatever they didn’t take care of in that life will be presented to them again in the next. It may come in a different form, but the lessons must be faced. That’s just the way it works for all of us.

Two key things that never fail to come through when I’m connecting with the spirit of a suicide are 1)they’re unbelievably sorry for putting that weight on their loved ones and 2) they’re OK now. Seriously, I always, always hear this. If you’ve been touched by this tragedy, please take those messages for yourself as well.

I wrote about some techniques to help your healing along here.


A Prayer for Malaysian Flight 370

Like most of us, I’ve been caught up in this mystery surrounding Malaysian Air Flight 370.   In our hyperconnected world, it seems incomprehensible that a jumbo jet could simply disappear without a trace.  There’s plenty of speculation on what may or may not have happened – that will be for the experts to determine.

Some clients have asked me if I’ve “gotten” anything via my sensitivities.  All I’ve been able to pick up on is a heavy, thick fog – something impossible to pierce. This may represent water, I’m not sure.  I also get a sense of sadness from the pilot, although it may be a state he felt during whatever happened.

One thing is crystal clear:  the agony of  the families can be felt all over the world. What they are enduring is beyond comprehension.

At times like these, we (and they) feel powerless.  But here is one small thing we can each do:  envision the family members encased in white light. Send them prayers, loving thoughts, any kind of healing.  The cumulative affect can be felt.  Really.

It’s been scientifically proven that the energy of prayer (or whatever you want to call it) is a real thing.  Tests have been done which show that hospital patients who are prayed for remotely experience improved healing.  They don’t have to believe in it themselves, or even know its being done – but they reap the benefits.

So whatever your spiritual persuasion, take a moment right now to send a positive thought in the direction of the families.

As for their missing loved ones, my belief is that they are being soothed and healed on the Other Side.  What they experienced was a moment of fear – but that moment was an instant in eternity.  It has passed and they are now wrapped in the warmth of the source.  I wrote about this aspect (and others) of the Afterlife in my book.

When tragedy strikes, those left behind are overwhelmed with worry about what their loved ones experienced.  The question I most get in those situations is, “Are they OK?”   I’m here to tell you that they are.  And that their families will be one day, too.

In the big picture. I believe that this awful mystery will serve to improve certain material things in our world: technology, aviation issues, how governments share information.  When the Titanic sank, the scale of that incident triggered a major shift in our perception of the class system, as well as improving maritime safety (every ship now MUST carry sufficient lifeboats).  Despite the agonizing circumstances surrounding its loss, Malaysian Air Flight 370 will serve a similar helpful purpose that will benefit others.  It’s small comfort right now, but its something.

But in the meantime, hold the families in the white light of love and protection.  It helps.


My Field Guide to the Other Side

Kinda excited this morning.  I got up, fed the kitties, grabbed some coffee and logged on to see that my new book was uploaded to Amazon overnight!

OK So You'reDeadCover

This was one of those “aha” moments; over my time as a reader, I’ve gotten the same 25-30 questions hundreds of times.  Each.  So I decided to share my take on the whole afterlife thang in one place.

Among the questions I tackle:

-What happens at the exact moment of death?  What does it feel like?

-“Where” is the Other Side?

-Will I have to deal with people I couldn’t stand in life?

-What happens in a seance?

-Are spirits watching me….in a creepy way?

-How does a medium work? (Bonus info:  the one thing a medium might say that should make you run….)

-Are pets with us, or in a different locale?

-What happens to suicides?

That’s just a taste.  Frankly, as I started to write, the book took on a whole life of its own.  No pun intended.

At any rate, I think this is just the ticket for anyone who’s grieving…who has grieved…who will grieve.  Anyone who’s curious or maybe a wee bit freaked out over the thought of shuffling off this mortal coil one day.  I’ve found that, during an actual reading, the info has brought a lot of comfort to my clients.  I hope the vibe continues.

OK, So You’re Dead is available in paperback and Kindle formats.  Ain’t technology grand?

PS — I’d love to hear your comments on it; and if you’re so inclined, would appreciate a review at Amazon.  Thanks in advance.