Category Archives: Uncategorized

2015 Is Your Money Year-Here’s Why!

If money and/or career stuff has been an issue for you, get ready to do your Happy Dance: 2015 is the year you’ve been waiting for! Why, you ask? Let me break it down.

2015 resonates with the numerological energy of “8” (2+0+1+5 = 8) – and 8 is a kickass vibe for material issues and manifesting what you need. Turn an eight on its side and you get the symbol of infinity and limitless power. Have a look:



Keep this in mind when you plan out your financial goals for the year. No matter how big a hole you’re in, you have major wind at your back. Consider the possibilities of tapping into limitless abundance. Because many people will automatically say, “Yeah, right” at this notion, do yourself a favor, take a moment and really play with this idea:

Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Now see yourself stacking dollar bills in little piles. Feel the paper in your hand; watch as those piles grow. Reallt make an effort to feel and see this experience. Now look around and see that you’re SURROUNDED by piles and piles of bills. It’s like an ocean of dough, all at your disposal. Let this feeling of abundance soak in, and reflect on it several times a day. This visualization is designed to get you excited about what this year can bring your way.


Obviously, don’t take reckless chances, like dropping the kids’ college fund at the casino, but do consider that there’s a strong, positive force around money stuff right now.  And rekindle your belief that you are, in the words of The Jeffersons, “movin’ on up.”

Here are some more insights on this “8” year:

In Japan, “8” represents “multiplicity” – dollars, yen, kroner, shekels, whatever.   In China, it represents the full sum of the Universe. In Middle-Eastern parts, 8 represents multiplication of assets. Let’s just hope that the Duggar family isn’t reading this right now. They’ve done more than enough multiplication of assets of the screaming, diaper-wearing kind.



Moving on. In several other traditions, the eight symbol represents the pinnacle of manifestation and matter. Another interesting aspect to the energy of eight? It corresponds to the New Testament in the Bible. Rebirth, resurrection – all good stuff, amIright?

Other things associated with the “8” vibe include: personal power, success, material wealth, abundance, transformation, ambition, spiritual consciousness. Pick one or two of these terms and use them as your mantra(s) this year.   Be consistent in repeating them to yourself. Trust that your finances are improving.

And ride this righteous vibe all the way through 2015!

Remember, if you need some clarity on your issues with money or career, I’m here. Happy New Year.

3 Secrets Of A Psychic

I met a woman the other day who knew precisely zero about psychics. It was an interesting conversation, as I tried to explain what I do, how I do it, etc. Afterwards, I realized that her biggest questions are ones that I get all the damn time.

So here’s some truth about the seemingly mysterious world that I live in.

Psychics are not unicorns

If you’ve ever had a hunch, first impression or a gut feeling, congratulations: you’ve had a psychic flash.   And since everyone has experienced at least one of those things, that means everyone is psychic. See what I did there?

The intuitive channel is inborn in each of us. Like supermodels or star athletes, some are genetically blessed with a seemingly effortless gift. Psychic info rolls in from the ether loud and clear, and they never break a sweat.

But the rest of us can work to develop our own unique psychic ability.   We may never be on the level of Derek Jeter, but we can at least get to the farm team and utilize our intuition to make life better.


I’ve written some other posts on how to become more psychic.  Here’s another one.

No psychic is 100% right

Working psychically is a bit of a dance between where the info comes from and how it filters into the human brain – then out of the psychic’s mouth.   The proof is what rings true for you, and also, whether that info makes you feel hopeful, empowered and strong.

If a psychic tries to scare you or makes you feel like they’re the only person who can fix your hot mess of a life, get the hell out of there. This is not the purpose of intuitive work.

I’ve had some snarky comments from haters who wonder why a psychic can’t be “put to the test” (newsflash: some have and done really well). The truth is, psychic energy is not a widget. It’s can’t always be measured empirically, simply because of the human delivery method (see above).

The concept of being open to something more fluid is a hard one for some folks to accept. Again, the evidence lies partly in the facts that will come out in a reading, but more importantly, what speaks to you in your gut.

Keep a reading in perspective; its one source of information – and bottom line, you must make your own decisions and choices.

I’m not “reading” you right now


When I tell people I’m psychic, some of them clench up – they’re wondering if I’m reading them right then and there. No, I’m just standing here in the Express Lane, trying to pay for my Lean Cuisine and copy of Star magazine.

Psychics are real people, with “to do” lists, families and everyday worries. Seriously, if I tuned in to everyone I deal with in the course of a day, I would wind up in the corner, drooling and sucking my thumb.

As a working psychic, I must manage my energy, so I read you only when it’s “time.” That’s for my health. Secondly, its not ethical to poke into someone’s bidness without their OK. So go ahead and exhale – I don’t know what you did last summer. Or last night.

Got any more questions about psychics? Hit me up!

7 Signs of Angels

One of the things I stress to my clients is, you don’t have to go it alone. Human life is hard, but between angels, spirit guides and our loved ones on the Other Side, there are plenty of folks ready to help guide us over the potholes and gaping sinkholes we encounter. All you need do is send up the Bat Signal. Then pay attention.

Here are some common signs that you’ve been heard:

1) Feathers: white feathers are commonly regarded as a sign of the angels. Sometimes you’ll find a big fat one; but small ones are no less potent. I was sitting outside the other day meditating when a tiny white feather drifted right down from nowhere. Sweet.

2) Butterflies. What a sign of transformation! You don’t necessarily have to see a live one; a photo or one on TV also counts.

3) Dragonflies. With their ability to “walk on water” (literally), dragonflies remind us to look beneath the surface. And, like the explanation above, an image will do.

4) Coins. Notice where and when you find them, if they’re especially shiny or have a significant date on them.

5) Music. Flip on the radio after sending up your request and notice what random lyrics have to say. Also, a particular artist may remind you of someone on the Other Side.

6) Rainbows. Judy Garland sang about ‘em for a reason. And they were a sign to Noah that the storm had passed.

7) Sparkles of light. When you catch them out of the corner of your eye, you can be sure it’s the presence of a helper.

The thing about these indicators is, they stand out. There’s something out of the ordinary about when, where and how you experience them.

I was once walking through Times Square with a colleague who was grieving the loss of his mother. Her nickname had been “Bird,” so every feather he encountered on the nasty, funky street, he just had to pick up. The gazillion pigeons in the area just gave him side-eye. Because, pigeons.

The point is, you’ll KNOW when it’s a sign. Trust it.

Also trust that help will come from spirit-side; but it may not show up in the way you expect. For example, you may be gently steered to overhear a conversation about a company that’s hiring, rather than get a promotion at your present job. Keep an open mind – our helpers know what they’re doing.

What signs of spirit presence have you experienced?  Leave it in the comments.


How A Dream Journal Connects You to the Other Side

One of the most valuable sources of spiritual information available to us comes through our dreams.  This is where our minds are stilled from the distractions of the day, where our subconscious relaxes and opens up. The dream state is the meeting place where our spirit guides, angels and loved ones on the Other Side can get in touch more easily.


And its where we can access information and messages from these entities. Keeping a Dream Journal allows you to compile this rich source of info; simply trying to “remember” a powerful image or dream experience pretty much guarantees it will vanish by the time you’ve finished your breakfast. Besides, some messages may resonate days or even weeks later. So writing them down is just smart.

Because this can be such a moving, enlightening part of your life, pick out an extra-nice blank journal and a pretty pen. Scrawling your insights in lipstick on the take-out receipt just doesn’t have the same vibe.

The info that downloads from the spiritual realm may come as a simple word, a feeling, an image – or a whole, long dream where you’re jamming with Aerosmith while wearing a hoop skirt straight out of Gone With the Wind.

That's me with the scarves.

That’s me with the scarves.

I’m pretty good at recalling my dreams, and when I write them down, I go back and highlight particular words or feelings that jump out from the whole scenario.

Dating your entries is also crucial: when you look back, you may spot an overall “thread” that has meaning. Or individual dates may align with important events in your life: the death-date of someone special, your birthday, anniversariies, etc.

When it comes to both getting messages from angels, loved ones or spirit in your dreams – and recalling them in general –your intention is everything. Before you go to sleep, ask for something to be sent your way – and the ability to remember it. When you first wake up from your dream, stay still for a moment or two to “capture” it. Then record it in your journal. This becomes a practice, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a little time. It wlll happen.

I also keep a couple of “dream encyclopedias” by my bedside to help decode various symbols: many times, spirit utilizes universal images like rainbows or birds to communicate with us. No need to reinvent the wheel.

You’ll recognize true messages for the impact they have on you: they stand out from ordinary dreams. Sleep is a great thing – but that time drooling on your pillow can be incredibly healing in more ways than one. Nighty night.


Getting Unstuck

One of the most common things my clients say when they sit down with me is, “I feel….stuck.”  It comes up over and over again. And again.

I know that feeling: you’re like one of those old vinyl records, and the needle keeps skipping. Yes, I’m dating myself, but whatever – where you’re at doesn’t fit in one or more ways. You’re bored with your job, but not sure what else is out there. Your relationship feels like it belongs to someone else.   You’ve got a nagging feeling, “Is this all there is?”   But at the same time, you can’t seem to make any significant moves.

Super-annoying.  Especially if the album is by Captain and Tennille.

Super-annoying. Especially if the album is by Captain and Tennille.

This is where intuitive information can be especially useful:

1) Finding the much, MUCH bigger picture. When you’re deep in the weeds on something like a complicated relationship, its hard to see past your own nose. When I tune in, my intuitive radar pulls back to see other influences at work. Most clients are surprised at what else is going on; that larger perspective is enormously enlightening.

When your issues can be seen...from space!

When your issues can be seen…from space!

2) Decoding the karma and past life influences affecting you. I know, I know: some of you are rolling your eyes. But I’ve had too much evidence of multiple lives; its the way we learn and evolve. And there are plenty of things we “carry over” that impact our present life. A reading can shed some light.


3) Hooking you up with your spirit team. Frequently, I pick up on spirit guides, loved ones on the Other Side – even angels – who are available to help you.   These powerful entities can see waaaay further down the road and provide not just a look ahead, but assistance to get you where you need to go.


There’s a reason humans have access to information from our sixth sense: it’s specifically there to help us live the life we came here to do. So if you’re feeling stuck, take a fresh look and see all the options you have to work with. They’re there. Promise.

Your 8 Spirit Helpers

The last couple weeks have been pretty cool.  During my readings, I’ve been getting some very powerful connections with my client’s spirit guides.

Now, I’m used to linking in with a main guide – the one that stays with us from birth to death. But lately, I’ve had evidence of some of the 7 other guides that are available to each of us.

See, human life is hard. It kicks our ass on a regular basis. But we don’t go through it alone. Each of us has access to a robust “spirit team” that can offer inspiration, information, connections and help as we navigate our path. Unlike angels, spirit guides have been human. So they know what we’re dealing with and are ready to jump in with some help.

Here’s a quick breakdown of your team:

1) The Gatekeeper, Doorkeeper or Master guide. This is the guide who stays with us from the moment of birth to the moment of death. His/her job is to help us stay on track with the life plan we came up with ahead of incarnating. This is your go-to resource for any sort of guidance we need – just ask.

Kinda like this guy...

Kinda like this guy…

The Master guide also coordinates and monitors the other guides who are available:

2) Healer Guides: these can help with any kind of health issue, including emotional issues. Call on them to help you stick to a new diet or fitness routine. If you’re dealing with serious illness, the healer can direct you to information or practitioners that will assist you. Healer guides may have been doctors in their human life, or they may have been shamans, midwives, herbalists, anything related to caring for the body.


3) Teacher Guides: call for a Teacher guide if you’re trying to master a new skill, taking a course or trying to improve any aspect of your life. Kids can call on their Teacher guide to help them with school issues; if you’re having difficulty in a relationship, a teacher guide will present situations as “lessons” to help you break through roadblocks, etc. You’ll have a whole bunch of “aha!” moments with these guys.


Sorry, I still don’t understand algebra.


4) Helper Guide: this guide only shows up at moments of great stress in your life. They will step in to assist in a health crisis or a situation that requires a little extra spiritual muscle.   The energy is very potent, and they often show themselves as a medicine man or shaman.


5) Protector Guide: like a Helper guide, the Protector comes around when the person is in a dangerous situation. They appear as a very large being with a ton of energy emanating from them. Call on them when you’re in a risky profession, for people in the military or any time when you’re in a dodgy place. This doesn’t give you license to step in front of a bus, but when you need some extra protective armor, this is the entity to request.


6) Runner Guide: this guide connects us with the presence of loved ones in spirit or missing items that are especially meaningful to us. They literally “run” to fetch the spirit or information on the missing item – and for that reason, often appear as an animal. Runner guides tend to appear in our dreams, bringing you a link to the invisible dimensions.


7) Warrior Guide: this one is tricky. Warrior guides are there to help us pump up the badass, and help us master fear and weakness. But the energy of the warrior guide is so bold, that it can often lead you into some dicey situations – like turning you into that loudmouth drunk who thinks they’re bulletproof and eggs on a fight. So call on your Warrior guide sparingly.

Seriously.  You don't want this guy hanging around too much.

Seriously. You don’t want this guy hanging around too much.

8) Joy guides: I love these. The Joy guide will make us laugh, will lighten the energy of a heavy situation. Joy guides will lift the spirits of someone in a tough place – like a breath of fresh air. They often appear as little children, and the energy is very fizzy and sparkly.


One thing that I frequently stress in my sessions is that you don’t have to do your life alone. There are resources available to help you make better decisions and move forward in a meaningful way.   Ultimately, you’re responsible – but you have a loving team who will give you fresh input and root you on.  The only things you have to do are 1) ask for their help  2) pay attention to what they send you and 3) thank them.

I wrote about a meditation to help you meet your main spirit guide – but you can use the technique to meet your other team members.




Pets In Spirit: How They Stick Around

In my free time, I volunteer with an animal rescue group. The other day, I adopted out one of our older cats to a woman who had recently lost her beloved Charlie. She was eager to give another senior cat a loving home – always a wonderful situation.

Anyway, when I called to follow up, she mentioned that the new kitty, Molly, was staring at the places where Charlie once hung out, as if she could see him. She, too, swore that she’d seen Charlie out of the corner of her eye several times since his passing. But of course, that was impossible. Right?


Animal energy is very “sticky.” It attaches to the people and places the critter loved.  So its no surprise that an animal who loved their human will want to keep an eye on them, even when they’re out of their physical body. [I wrote more about pet loss  here and here.]

Living animals pick up on spirit animals very easily. They communicate back and forth, with the spirit version often giving the physical animal an assist in the home: “The lady will give you people food if you look at her like this….” “Watch out for that small kid – he pulls tails….” “The man is sad….he needs extra hand licks.” [These are actual messages I’ve gotten during some of my Animal Communication sessions.]

As for thinking you’ve seen your pet after they’ve gone, you have. One client wrote to me that he’d seen his dog going around the corner of the living room. Another saw her cat laying in the sun like she used to – just for a second. You may also see “sparkles” out of the corner of your eye just after thinking of them. You think you hear or smell them, feel them laying next to you on the bed or sitting in the car like they used to. Don’t dismiss these moments. They are gifts from your fur baby on the Other Side.


Patience Is A Virtue…and A Pain In the Ass

One of my long-time clients has a problem with patience. That message comes up frequently in her readings – to the point that we both laugh about it. She’s a woman in a hurry and has lots of things she wants to make better in her life.

Her problem is, when they don’t occur on her timetable, she gets frustrated. Raise your hand if you know how she feels. I’ll wait…..

We want things, and as Veruca Salt sang in Willy Wonka, “I want it NOW.” It doesn’t make it any easier that we live in an age of ATMs, drive-thru windows, microwaves and instant downloads. Our ability to hang in for the long haul has atrophied.


But what we have to keep in mind is that the Universe has its own timetable. And I believe there’s a reason for that. By aligning ourselves more with the process than the result, we gain far more than the “thing” itself.

This is not to say that we just sit and wait and do nothing. We continue to put some effort towads our goals. We keep them in mind. But we’re not super-attached to the “when.” It’s a partnership with powers greater than ours.

The 7 of Pentacles in the Tarot shows a farmer looking at the results of his patience. These things have grown in accordance with nature’s clock – not his. In that time, he’s tended them, watered and weeded – but let Nature do its thing.


When something hasn’t manifested in your life just yet, the Universe may be telling you that you’re not quite ready for it. You’re still in the process. And there’s a ton of value in that.

Before she was twerking and sticking her tongue out at every photo op, Miley Cyrus did a song that is applicable to what I’m talking about.   When you’re struggling with patience, take a look around at what “the climb” is teaching you. That will make reaching the peak that much richer.

The Psychic Power of Joy

One of my favorite movies was on TCM the other night: A Hard Day’s Night is celebrating its 50th anniversary.   Watching it again, I found myself smiling, laughing and dancing along to the Beatles music in my pajamas.

I started thinking about one of the reasons the Fab Four were such a break-out phenomenon: its widely thought that, after the horrifying death of JFK in 1963, America was in desperate need of joy. And they got it in the form of four cheeky, massively talented lads from Liverpool.

Joy is powerful stuff.  It changes molecules. It shifts the energy. I mean, even the grumpiest soul is lifted out of the doldrums by the belly laugh of a baby. And look at the phenomenal success of Pharell Williams’ song, Happy.  People crave joy to counteract the heavy times we live in.

If you're not smiling at this, you have no soul.

If you’re not smiling at this, you have no soul.

I did a reading the other day with a young girl who was super-serious.   I suppose she thought that was what was expected.   Needless to say, she was surprised when I cracked jokes during the session. Being a wiseass is my personal style, but it happens to serve a very real purpose.

Joy amplifies the channel to the Other Side. It has a high energy frequency which makes tuning in to finer energies a lot easier. Think of how you feel when you’re dealing with something serious or sad: its heavy, slow-moving, thick.  Blech.

On the flip side, when people are laughing or happy, things feel light and clear. That makes any intuitive work way easier. Not to mention life in general.

When I was studying in England, I attended a service by the National Spiritualist’s Union. This was where mediums would give messages from the Other Side to people in the audience. Before the service started, ABBA music was played in the church. Instead of stuffy old hyms, we were asked to sing along to Dancing Queen and Take A Chance On Me. The minister then entered, dressed in an outfit to rival the cover of Sgt. Pepper. We were all smiles, the energy felt great – and it made for a wonderful evening.

Don’t discount the power of joy in doing any psychic work.  There’s no rule saying it has to be serious and solemn.  In fact, that may be counterproductive, like swimming upstream.

Before I read, I crank up my iPod and spend a few minutes doing my own Soul Train line to  the music of Earth Wind and Fire.   It makes me happy.  And it makes me a better reader.

What brings you ear-to-ear joy?  Indulge in it right now.


The Super-Easy Trick to Positive Change

I had a client here the other day who broke down sobbing. She wanted to change things in her life. Not unusual. That’s why most people come for a reading.

But the reason she was crying was that she was overwhelmed. Because she wanted to change EVERYTHING. All at once.

At a certain point in our lives, we take a look around and realize that some things aren’t quite what we hoped for. The career we once craved has become boring. The relationship that once made our hearts tingle has become “meh.” Daily life is just about getting through our “to do” list.   That quiet dissatisfaction is a sign the Universe wants you to shake things up a little bit.

The look right before you decide to set the house on fire.

The look right before you decide to set the house on fire.

The thing about change is, we both want it and fear it. There’s something comforting about the familiar and the boring. We know how to “do” it. With our eyes closed.   The idea of changing jobs, ending a relationship, moving to a different city, whatever, freaks us out. As much as we know intellectually that our life could be richer and better, our gut clenches up at the thought of shaking up the status quo.

My client was crying because those red lights were going off in her head. She wanted to do too much at once and every stay-put instinct in her was making her wig out. I could see that there were better things lining up for her in the next few months – but she had to take advantage of that energy and move towards them.

We mapped out a plan to prioritize her “change” list. Instead of tackling everything, I looked at the one thing that would have the greatest impact overall.

By getting a better job 1) her financial situation would improve, allowing her to 2) move to a nicer apartment. And 3) because she wouldn’t be stressing over her bills and having to work a second job, she’d have more bandwidth available for a new relationship. See what I did there?

The next thing I had to do was to inspire her to make the moves necessary to make all that good stuff happen. The trick to faking out the Fear of Change response is: itty bitty, teeny weeny steps. So small that your freak-out reflex doesn’t even know its happening.

Breadcrumbs lead you where you need to be.

Breadcrumbs lead you where you need to be.

Take a look at the thing you need or want to change. Break it down into M&M sized pieces. Don’t tackle more than one of them a day. You want to go so slow that the fear never wakes up. No matter how tempted or motivated you are to do more, don’t. I can’t stress this enough: doing more is like poking the bear.


We are meant to do more and be more in this life we’ve been given. We chose to be here in human form. The dissatisfaction you feel is a sign its time to evolve to the next step of your journey. I’m a big believer that, if you make even the smallest effort, the Universe will meet you halfway. For each small step, the Universe makes one towards your goal, too. It’s your co-creator in change. You’ll be there before you know it. Get going.
