Category Archives: Tarot

How — and When — Change Really Happens

Her email was all in caps: HELP! I’M TRYING TO CHANGE, BUT DON’T SEE ANYTHING HAPPENING!!!! (Yeah, that made my head hurt, too.)

This client is not alone. Lately, I’ve had a run on folks coming by who are trying their damndest to make a shift – but the results don’t seem to be following. It’s super-frustrating.

Most of us think “change” is like a vending machine: we put our intention in, so we should get an instant payoff. Wouldn’t that be great? But the reality is, we feel like our intention is a stuck bag of potato chips. Hate when that happens.


What I frequently see is that the payoff is closer than we realize. We just have to keep on truckin’. That’s what the Universe asks us to do: keep walking.   Have some faith. Because with each step we take, the Powers That Be take one towards us.

I’ve seen this happen time and again: we think that we have to do it all, but the truth is, we have partners. And when we show the tiniest bit of willingness to move ahead on our path, we get an assist. Our spirit guides, the angels, loved ones on the Other Side….these are just a few of the entities available to us to help us fulfill our mission here  [the rule is, though, you have to ask them for help. Even if you’re not sure what kind of “help” you need,  just send out a generic 911 call.  Then watch for signs that you’ve been heard.]


I also think our idea of “results” needs to shift. Our society encourages the notion of “overnight success,” “instant this” and “instant that.” But successful change is a process. It’s not one moment, but a bunch of them.   If Jeannie could blink and make it happen all at once, that would be cheating (remember how many problems her “help” caused for Major Nelson?  Am I dating myself?)


The Moon card in the Tarot is all about this. You can’t see a foot in front of you in the dark. It’s all kinds of scary (hence, the yapping dogs). But in order to get out of that spooky forest you need to keep pushing through. If you just sit down and curl up in a ball, that’s how you’ll stay.


Be brave. Even when you can’t see the results yet, keep working it.   Keep the finishing line in mind. All of a sudden, you’ll come around the corner – and there it will be.

If I can help you push past some obstacles and stay on the path, get in touch.  In the meantime, sing us out, Bono.


Patience Is A Virtue…and A Pain In the Ass

One of my long-time clients has a problem with patience. That message comes up frequently in her readings – to the point that we both laugh about it. She’s a woman in a hurry and has lots of things she wants to make better in her life.

Her problem is, when they don’t occur on her timetable, she gets frustrated. Raise your hand if you know how she feels. I’ll wait…..

We want things, and as Veruca Salt sang in Willy Wonka, “I want it NOW.” It doesn’t make it any easier that we live in an age of ATMs, drive-thru windows, microwaves and instant downloads. Our ability to hang in for the long haul has atrophied.


But what we have to keep in mind is that the Universe has its own timetable. And I believe there’s a reason for that. By aligning ourselves more with the process than the result, we gain far more than the “thing” itself.

This is not to say that we just sit and wait and do nothing. We continue to put some effort towads our goals. We keep them in mind. But we’re not super-attached to the “when.” It’s a partnership with powers greater than ours.

The 7 of Pentacles in the Tarot shows a farmer looking at the results of his patience. These things have grown in accordance with nature’s clock – not his. In that time, he’s tended them, watered and weeded – but let Nature do its thing.


When something hasn’t manifested in your life just yet, the Universe may be telling you that you’re not quite ready for it. You’re still in the process. And there’s a ton of value in that.

Before she was twerking and sticking her tongue out at every photo op, Miley Cyrus did a song that is applicable to what I’m talking about.   When you’re struggling with patience, take a look around at what “the climb” is teaching you. That will make reaching the peak that much richer.

Turning Your Life Upside Down Is A Good Thing

I recently discovered these guys, who call themselves 2Cellos. They’re classically-trained cellists from Croatia (and cute, too!) who found themselves, as many classical artists do, strapped for cash. They had an idea to do a homemade video of their version of a very UN-classical piece, Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.”

Well, the thing went viral. They wound up on “Ellen”, on tour with Elton John and have garnered a whole new cash-paying audience who love their renditions of everything from U2 and Coldplay, to Guns N Roses and AC/DC.   Here’s my current favorite, their take on Highway to Hell. Feel free to head-bang along…

These guys took their situation (starving artist) and completely flipped it on its head. By doing something radical, they got a new result.

Remember this episode of Seinfeld, where George does the “opposite” of everything and winds up with the life he’s been dreaming of?

This is the lesson of the Hanged Man in the Tarot; when you’re stuck, stand on your head (metaphorically speaking). See how things look from a different perspective.  This guy is having a serious “a-ha” moment as he hangs upside down.

So what’s the opposite of your problem? If you’re broke, you’re now by definition, solvent; a lousy relationship becomes a loving one; family drama becomes family peace. You have a new idea and a new image of the situation – so how will you get there?

This is a powerful idea worth playing with. We get so locked in to our circumstances, that we never let any fresh air in.  Don’t dismiss this exercise –that will just keep you stuck.   Flip your life on its head and see where it takes you.

Hey, it worked for George Costanza.

[Remember, if you need some help breaking it all down, I’m here.]

Your Psychic Health

Whenever I  teach a Psychic Development class, I know I’ll have at least one student who’ll show up after a few weeks looking a little fried.  They have bags under their eyes, they seem kinda spent or frazzled, and they tend to just talkandtalkandtalk.   It’s exhausting to be around them, bless their pointed little head.

And I can tell immediately: they’ve been operating their newly-developed psychic abilities without a permit.

I get it:  its exciting when you start actively working with your intuition.  A whole new world opens up – literally.  But without some healthy habits, you run the risk of feeling like you got run over by a monster truck.  Or three.


Working psychically changes your physical makeup.  There’s an electrical dimension to our bodies; when we dial up our intuitive senses, we’re upping the wattage.   And like loose wires, that energy needs to be grounded to prevent burnout or that general spacey feeling.

You've been warned.

You’ve been warned.

Regular meditation is a good place to start.  It helps develop a sense of control over your breath, and lets you navigate the subtle changes in your energetic body.

Then there’s preparation.  Before I read, I first surround both myself and the space with a protective white light.  I’m dealing with energy, so I want anything heavy or difficult to be kept at bay.

I do a short meditation (in addition to the one I do daily), then envision a window opening in the back of my head.  This is my personal technique that “tells” my conscious mind to shift into a different gear.   Once I’m through, I reverse it and “close” the window.   It’s like working out:  a warm up and cool down are essential to keep from getting injured.

Also, take it a little at a time.  If you try to open up your channels too quickly,  you’ll feel sort of fried.  Gradually build up how long you stay in the psychic flow.

Nice try, Hercules....

Nice try, Hercules….


Because that side of our brain generates fine, fast-moving energy, it’s a good idea to counterbalance it with something slower and more grounded.  After a session, I always eat something, put my hands on the ground or pet my cats.  Anything “earth” related will bring you back into your body and offset that spacey feeling.

The other thing is to be careful where you read.  Working in the same spot builds up the positive vibrations, which not only helps your connection, but also protects you.   The “reading rooms” at the shop I used to work at had a great, juicy feel to them because of all the positive work that was done there.

I learned very early on to not read in bars or random public places.  The energy can be  very hard or heavy, and you’ll feel it for days after.  A lot of newbies will try and “read” people just wherever – and they pay the price.  As tempting as it may be, stick to appropriate times and places  to do intuitive work.  Put a process in place to better direct your energy, so its not just sparking all over the damn place.

For those who are naturally extra-sensitive, I wrote about a technique to add an extra layer of protection and smooth out that jagged feeling.  Wearing dark clothes or carrying dark colored crystals like smoky quartz or obsidian can ground you, as well.  Here are some other stones that are helpful for psychic work.

The thing is, providing a framework and a system to your psychic work will make it more effective – and make your daily life as a whole more comfortable.

What do you do to stay healthy and grounded in the spirit realm?  Hit me up in the comments.


Letting Go of the Past

It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, hasn’t it?  Here in New Jersey, winter truly made us her bitch.  But before we know it, the snow will be gone, the grass growing and I’ll be elbow-deep in mulch and new plants again. The cold nights and biting winds will be in the past.  Thank the Lord.

It puts me in mind of this Tarot card.   I love it when this one turns up in a spread.  The Sun represents coming out of the dark and back into the light.  One is reborn, with the sunshine illuminating a fresh new path.


The Sun is about putting the past behind us, once and for all.  Notice that wall?  It’s keeping the past where it belongs, without it leaching through into the present moment.  Sunflowers represent a spiritual barrier, reminding us that the past has contributed to our growth, but it doesn’t need to keep influencing us.

See that kid riding nekkid?  That’s you, reborn.  Wheee!

I’ve had numerous clients fearful that their past will continue to determine their future possiblities.  They’re being held hostage by things that are overwith.  The past is like a nasty wad of gum on their shoe.


Take a moment to think about the issues in your life:  what still haunts you?  When you think of a problem, what’s your first thought about it (“I always do that….” “Ever since then, I’ve never had a good job…”  “I’m a loser when it comes to love”….”Mom always said I was [fill in the blank]….”

How often do those old echoes  come up during the day?  Really pay attention to your default thought process.   Make a note of everything that goes through your head, carrying a trace of the past.  When you catch yourself, write it down….then burn it.  See the past going up in smoke.  Literally.

Because the past is overwith.  Done.  Finito.  If you can see it as having taught you something, you can move forward in a stronger, clearer way.  The past does not have to define what comes next;  it can inform it in a smarter way, making the future that much smoother.


Take the lesson of the Sun card as we move into Spring.  And take my favorite Beatles song (well, one of them) as your soundtrack.     “It’s alright….”  [And remember, I‘m always here if you need a reading to see what’s on the horizon…]

A Super-Easy Tarot Spread for Non-Readers

The Tarot is a rich, deep, complex way to get some rich, deep, complex insights into your life.    It’s been around for centuries  — and sometimes, it can feel like it takes that long to really know the cards.    That puts a lot of people off learning them.

Personally, I think spending some time exploring  the Tarot is really worth it.  But if the thought of that kinda makes your head explode, there’s a really fast way to use Tarot cards to get an answer to a “Yes/No” question, even if you’ve never used them before.  This was one of the very first spreads I learned and I still use it; it gives you an answer faster than it takes to nuke a burrito.



First, make sure the deck is thoroughly shuffled.  Your cards take on your energy, so really mix them good.

As you handle the cards, think about your question (remember, this spread is for a “yes/no” issue).  Frame it like, “Will I [fill in the blank]?”  “Is he/she going to call?”  “Is the check in the mail?”  You get the idea.

Once you feel ready, cut the cards with your non-dominant hand (the one you don’t write with, in case you were wondering).  Now put the cards back together and pull three cards, laying them down just as they appear:  in other words,  if its upside down, don’t flip it right side up.

Lay the first one to the left, the next in the middle and the last on the right, like this:


Notice which ones are reversed.

Right-side up cards indicate a “Yes” answer.  The card in the center counts twice (don’t ask me why).  Whatever the majority is, that’s your answer.  In this case, we have 3 “yes” and one “no.”  So the answer is “Yes.”

If you have two “yes” and two “no” answers, it means things are still unclear.

You can get more insight into your answer by just gazing at the cards and seeing what jumps out at you:  colors, symbols, numbers.  How do they make you feel?  Let them “talk” to you.  The images on the cards are specifically designed to trigger your intuition.  Relax and just go with it; note down your insights.  You might be surprised at how “right” you are.  But the most important thing is not to stress  — just have fun with this super-fast spread.   Learning the Tarot — even a little bit — doesn’t have to give you a migraine.

Got questions about the cards?  Or maybe want a full-on reading?  Reach out via my website.

How to Move Forward in 2014

Earlier this week, I wrote about how 2014 is a ‘7’ year – which means a year of increased intuitve powers, the ability to manifest things quickly and a year of healing, both inside and out.

The corresponding Tarot card to this vibe is The Chariot.

The guy in the cart is on the move.  He’s heading in a postive direction.  You can practically feel the energy coming off the image.


But look closer:  the charioteer isn’t using his hands to steer.  He’s doing it by sheer will, coupled with the deep knowing of where he wants to go.  It’s like he’s on a spiritual Segway, where the driving is effortless.  The energy to move forward is coming from his inner self.  Hands are unneccessary (unless you’re here in NJ, in which case you’ll want a hand available to give your fellow charioteers the finger).

Having a clear notion of “where” you want to go this year can make the journey much easier.  I don’t believe you have to have every detail worked out, just some broad strokes.  Because the Chariot is being driven by inner knowing, use these questions to trigger your deeper desires.  Don’t overthink them, just brainstorm quickly and freely:

-How do you want to feel this year?

-What makes you happy?

-What do you not want to repeat or experience?

-What made you happy as a kid?

-What’s your most valued possession or person?

-When did you last “take action” on something, like a cause?  What got you off the couch?

-What makes you feel connected to God or Spirit?

The point of these questions is to get to the heart of what makes you happy and satisfied.  It’s the foundation on which you build the details on.  And the neat thing is, once you draw closer to that “heart,” the “how” begins to reveal itself.  And your chariot will begin to really move forward.

What’s on your “to-do” list for this year?  Hit me up in the comments.  And remember to visit me here.

Seven Things to Do In a “7” Year

There’s something about the number “7.”  Lucky seven, the seven seas, Dance of the Seven Veils, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers….you get the drift.  Seven has some righteous energy.  Traditionally, “7” is the number of wisdom, of the mystic and the magician.  According to numerology, it’s the number driving this brand new year, 2014.   Not for nothing,  I happen to be writing this on Jan. 7th.  Coincidence?  I think not.

Anyway, 2014 is gonna pack a pretty powerful wallop – in a good way.  So here’s what you can do in a 7 Year to take full advantage.

1)   Study anything psychic or metaphysical.    If you’ve ever had the hankering to learn Tarot cards or how to talk to dead people, this is the year to take it up.  With all the positive vibes in the air, your progress will be much easier.  Here’s a starting point.  And this is a fun exercise, too.

Gandalf says, "Get your own."

Gandalf says, “Get your own.”

2)    Undertake any form of healing – including surgery.  If you’ve been feeling funky, the 7 energy is gonna make whatever you do to get healthier a lot more effective.  Your body and mind will respond and repair way faster.  Note:  bad plastic surgery is excluded from this.  No amount of cosmic juice can undo a face from looking like it was caught in the G-force simulator at NASA.

You gotta know when to fold 'em...and when to put the knife down, dammit.

You gotta know when to fold ’em…and when to put the knife down, dammit.

3)   Offload people who aren’t meshing with you.  As long as we’re talking healing, you know there are some folks in your world who drain you, frustrate you, make you want to punch a wall.  If you’ve done everything you can to make things work and they’re still behaving badly, you need to ditch them.  The 7 energy will make it easier to say – once and for all – “buh bye.”  I wrote about a technique that can help here.

Time to take out the trash.

Time to take out the trash.

4)  Change any behaviors that don’t work.  In a 7 year, fixing bad habits is a breeze.  Well, almost.  If you want to lose weight/stop smoking/give up your eBay addiction, make a plan….but then let the magic 7 smooth the way.

5)  Take advantage of enhanced intution.  You’re gonna be standing in line at Starbucks, just minding your own bidness, when – POW! – something will pop into your head about someone you know.  Hopefully, its not embarassing.  But at any rate, the 7 energy really cranks up the volume on our natural intuition, so pay attention to what you’re getting.  Write down your “hits” as a way to track and develop your unique psychic style.   And remember to protect yourself while you’re experiencing this new energy.

It's about to get real....

It’s about to get real….

6)  Reflect on your life purpose.   All this mystical energy has a point:  it leads us to ask the big questions.  “Who am I?”  “Where am I headed?”  “Why can’t Kim Kardashian find a top that fits?”

Seriously girl, get a proper fitting.  You're gonna hurt someone.

Seriously girl, get a proper fitting. You’re gonna hurt someone.

This year, you may find yourself feeling more inspired and introspective than usual; allow yourself the time to just hang out and take stock of how your journey has gone so far – and where you want it to take you next.

7)  Write in a journal.  A journal is a great way to log all the “aha!” moments and adventures the 7 year is going to bring your way.  By the time Ryan Seacrest announces the ball dropping again in Times Square, a lot will have happened.  You’ll want a record of it.

Happy 2014.  Now go kick some ass.

The “Repeat” Button: Why the Same Crap Keeps Happening

I read a client the other night who was beyond frustrated at her dating situation.  Just when she thought she’d met a great guy, he shut down on her about 2 weeks in.  It was all going along so well, and  then – pffft.

After her third smackdown, she asked, “Why does this keep happening to me?”

It’s mystifying and infuriating when something crappy keeps turning up again and again in your life.  It’s like a sick joke.  Here’s my take on it:

There’s a lesson you’re not getting. feels so good when  you stop!

…it feels so good when you stop!

It’s easy to lay the blame on the lousy partner, awful boss or your lifelong streak of “bad luck” —  but that’s only half of the equation.  When you keep winding up with the same results (or lack thereof), the Universe is putting a big, fat mirror up to your face and asking, “Yo, sweetie —  why so dense?”

Every blotch on our life is telling us something.  In the case of my Disappointed Dater, I got a “ping” from Spirit that she needed to find the common thread in her last four relationships (going back to her ex).  At first, she didn’t see anything, but we pressed on.  Turns out that every one of her guys was severely, emotionally limited.  They could only go ‘so far’ before they armored up.  They were great on the first few dates, but they burned hot and fast – and out.  The “a-ha!” came when she realized that she and her ex only got together because he was unavailable a lot – and a part-time lover was all she could handle at the time.

So that’s what she continued to get.

The reading continued with us drilling down into how she was going to open herself up to a more complete relationship.  Until she did that, she’d only attract guys who were, emotionally, about an inch deep.  But if she was brave enough to look at her own role in this creation, she’d have the insights that would help her make different choices.

You can apply this same reasoning to literally everything that’s not quite right in your own life:  a health situation (check out Louise Hay’’s wonderful books on the emotional connections to illness), your finances, your family.  How are you setting booby-traps for yourself?  What’s your role?    When the same situation keeps presenting itself, the Universe is throwing a pop quiz your way.  And it will keep coming until you turn the paper over and take the damn test.

The Judgement card in the Tarot is all about this.  The angel is blowing the horn of awakening, and the people are rising from the dead.  They have literally been reborn after enduring a tough lesson.  Things are different, because they took a long, hard look in the mirror.


This may seem a little daunting or depressing, when we’re so accustomed to pointing the finger at outside circumstances. But really, that takes your power away, leaving those same “outside circumstances” in charge.   Maybe Mr. Emotionally Frigid will get himself together or maybe he won’t.  Maybe your boss will stop being such a tool or maybe he won’t.  Maybe your finances will get better or maybe they won’t.  You can keep waiting for the “other” to come around, or you can look at your part in the “why”  (even if it’s the tiniest bit) and break the logjam.

The biggest part of the word “Blame” is “lame.”   Stop focusing your frustration or anger outward and use that energy to see what you need to learn.  It’s scary, but its also liberating.  And you’ll finally pass the pop quiz.

I’d love to hear your comments about your own life.   And remember to drop by my site, whenever.

Build Your Psychic Power

Intuition is a completely natural function.  And like other functions (except, perhaps, my inner thigh muscles), it can be strengthened.

The thing with your natural psychic gifts is that you have dozens of chances each day to give them a little work out.  Hunches, first impressions and gut feelings are all signs that your intuition is pinging.   Pay attention.

Also, pay attention to HOW you’re getting that information.  Are you feeling sensations or emotions?  Seeing images in your mind’s eye?  Hearing words, music, etc. in your mind’s ear?  A combination of the three?  Psychic “style” is unique to each of us.  Once you have an idea of how you “get” your information, it will become easier to tune it in on demand.

Outside of those everyday opportunities, here are some fun exercises to build that muscle.

PLAYING CARDS:  Next time you’re hanging on the couch, grab a deck of playing cards.  Give them a good shuffle.  Pull a card with your non-dominant hand; don’t look at it.  Concentrate and see if you can pick up the number, color or suit.  Keep track of how many “hits” you get.


NEXT DAY’S NEWSPAPER:  As you lay in bed, pretend that you’re lifting out of your body and astrally-travelling to your nearest newstand.  See it clearly.  Now look down at tomorrow’s newspaper.  What do you see?  Headline, word, photo?  Take a moment to jot it down, then check the next day to see how you did.


WHAT AM I DOING?  This is a fun one to do with a friend.  Have your friend make a list of five simple actions:  jumping up and down, standing on one foot, washing a dish, etc.   They don’t share the list with you.  At a set time, they perform one of the actions.  You tune in at that time and see if you can pick it up. Do this every day for five days.   You could also do this with your kids.

Hopefully your friend isn't doing THIS....

Hopefully your friend isn’t doing THIS….

Tarot is a great way to ignite your own psychic skills; the images really “speak” to that part of your brain.  Here’s a quick way to get started.

One thing to keep in mind with any form of psychic development is to keep things light and fun (and to stay healthy).  When you’re trying too hard, it chokes off the flow.  Imagine my surprise when, during a demonstration at a UK spiritualist church, they played ABBA songs beforehand.  Personally, I would’ve chosen Parliament Funkadelic, but that’s just me.  Anyway, the music raised the energy, made people smile and dance and really set a great mood.


So have fun as you open up your skillis.  And like vitamins or a quick set of pushups, do something psychic every day.