How To Meet Your Spirit Animal

Once when I was taking a mediumship development class, the teacher gave me a long, penetrating look. That’s always a bit weird. Spinach in my teeth? Someone doing “bunny ears” behind my head? WHAT?

She took a deep breath, pointed at me and said, “You must always bring an animal through from the Other Side for whomever you’re linking to….”


I’m down with that. As a passionate animal lover, I love the energy they bring to our lives. Animals have their own wisdom and connection to the worlds. Even after they cross, they continue to impact our life. I wrote about this here.

There’s a stepped-up version of this, too: your Spirit Animal (sometimes called “Power Animal”).

I’ve discussed how each of us has several Spirit Guides at our disposal. These are entities who were once human and are available to help us navigate the ups and downs of life. Their 10,000 foot view of the Earth experience gives them a unique understanding of what we go through, and thus, some pretty kick-ass help.

A Spirit Animal guides us by way of their nature-based qualities and characteristics. Learning to tap into their presence will provide some surprising insights into our problems.

Like human Spirit Guides, you may have several Spirit Animals who come through during your time here. It all depends on what you need. Right now, I’m feeling the power of Bear: a creature who is confident, grounded and whose tall, fearless stance denotes leadership.

Not quite THIS bear...

Not quite THIS bear…

A friend of mine is seeing Hummingbirds everywhere, both in pictures and in real life. Clearly, she is being told to stay light right now – to trust that there is more going on, just like the rapid beating of the wings you can’t see.

If you’d like to meet your own Spirit Critter, here’s a great meditation.

Start by taking several deep breaths, relaxing more and more with each one. Envision a pillar of white light coming down from the Universe and filling your spine with its healing, protective power. Ask for the protection of any entity of your choice: Jesus, St. Francis, the Great Spirit – whatever feels right.

Now, imagine yourself walking through a beautiful forest. Really see the trees and greenery, hear the birds. Stay relaxed and don’t force this.

You hear the sound of a stream in the distance. Walk towards it. When you arrive, look around to see a gorgeous clearing all around you. The stream runs through it, the ground is comfortable. Take a seat and just relax.

Now, invite your Spirit Animal to join you in this sacred space.

This is a warm, protected place that only you and your Spirit Animal may inhabit; nothing can hurt either of you here. Listen and observe as your animal draws near. What do you hear, smell, see, experience? What animal is entering the clearing? Keep in mind, it might be a bird or an insect, like a butterfly. It doesn’t have to have fur, fins or claws.

After a few moments, ask your Spirit Animal a question(s). Go with what you get: a feeling, a word or phrase. Do you feel different in any way? This is the energy passing from them to you.

Once he/she has answered your question, feel free to spend some time bonding or playing with your Spirit Animal. There’s no rush, because you may return to this glade at any time in the future.

When you feel ready, thank your animal for coming forward. Now, retrace your steps back through the glade. Take more deep breaths, feeling yourself gradually returning to the “here and now.” Open your eyes.


After you’ve met your Spirit Animal, you may want to keep a reminder of them nearby. A photo or statue is a great way to keep their influence nearby, and allow their energy to infuse your daily life.


PS – And just because this STILL makes me laugh, here’s a revisit of the Ultimate Power Animal: Honey Badger!

2015 Is Your Money Year-Here’s Why!

If money and/or career stuff has been an issue for you, get ready to do your Happy Dance: 2015 is the year you’ve been waiting for! Why, you ask? Let me break it down.

2015 resonates with the numerological energy of “8” (2+0+1+5 = 8) – and 8 is a kickass vibe for material issues and manifesting what you need. Turn an eight on its side and you get the symbol of infinity and limitless power. Have a look:



Keep this in mind when you plan out your financial goals for the year. No matter how big a hole you’re in, you have major wind at your back. Consider the possibilities of tapping into limitless abundance. Because many people will automatically say, “Yeah, right” at this notion, do yourself a favor, take a moment and really play with this idea:

Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Now see yourself stacking dollar bills in little piles. Feel the paper in your hand; watch as those piles grow. Reallt make an effort to feel and see this experience. Now look around and see that you’re SURROUNDED by piles and piles of bills. It’s like an ocean of dough, all at your disposal. Let this feeling of abundance soak in, and reflect on it several times a day. This visualization is designed to get you excited about what this year can bring your way.


Obviously, don’t take reckless chances, like dropping the kids’ college fund at the casino, but do consider that there’s a strong, positive force around money stuff right now.  And rekindle your belief that you are, in the words of The Jeffersons, “movin’ on up.”

Here are some more insights on this “8” year:

In Japan, “8” represents “multiplicity” – dollars, yen, kroner, shekels, whatever.   In China, it represents the full sum of the Universe. In Middle-Eastern parts, 8 represents multiplication of assets. Let’s just hope that the Duggar family isn’t reading this right now. They’ve done more than enough multiplication of assets of the screaming, diaper-wearing kind.



Moving on. In several other traditions, the eight symbol represents the pinnacle of manifestation and matter. Another interesting aspect to the energy of eight? It corresponds to the New Testament in the Bible. Rebirth, resurrection – all good stuff, amIright?

Other things associated with the “8” vibe include: personal power, success, material wealth, abundance, transformation, ambition, spiritual consciousness. Pick one or two of these terms and use them as your mantra(s) this year.   Be consistent in repeating them to yourself. Trust that your finances are improving.

And ride this righteous vibe all the way through 2015!

Remember, if you need some clarity on your issues with money or career, I’m here. Happy New Year.

Become More Psychic: Clairaudience

OK, so I’ve written about how each and every one of us has psychic ability; to my mind, it’s a spiritual “chip” in our head that just needs to be activated.

Activating the chip is a matter of practice. Psychic development requires using your inborn skills on a regular basis. The more you do it, the stronger it gets – just like muscles.

How one receives psychic information is different for each of us. There are three primary ways it happens (I wrote about clairsentience here). Discovering your own psychic fingerprint is fascinating and fun. So here’s one more to explore: clairaudience.

Clairaudience means “clear hearing.” When you’re working psychically, you may “hear” someone speaking inside your head (hopefully, not Charles Manson), or maybe something significant to the issue. One time when I was working, I heard that disco song, “Ring My Bell.” Turns out, that was a favorite song of the person who had passed whom I was connecting with. Their friend confirmed it.

But nooooo... I couldn't hear "Ramble On," it HAD to be disco.

But nooooo… I couldn’t hear “Ramble On,” it HAD to be disco.


Very few people hear things the same way we hear a car horn, your dog barking or way-too-close neighbors getting’ freaky. Clairaudience is about hearing things in your mind’s ear. For example, think of a dog barking; that experience is similar to clairaudience.

Occasionally, you MAY hear something externally. But for most of us, its internal. The best way to “test” what you’re getting psychically is to do something that can give you confirmation.

Here’s something you can do with a friend. At an assigned time, have your friend do a simple activity. Maybe they’ll make themselves a cup of tea, put a load of wash in or pet their dog. They are not to tell you what they’re doing.

Now relax, take a few breaths and imagine your friend in your mind’s eye. Just picture their face. Imagine the two of you hanging out together, happy and enjoying each other’s company.

Now, gently see if you “hear” anything. What impressions come to mind? Make a note of them. [On the same note, if you “feel” anything or see anything in your head, jot it down.]

When you’re done, call your friend and see what they were up to. Did any of what you got apply? For example, if they were making tea, did you hear a kettle? If they were petting a dog, did you hear a bark or a happy panting sound?

Good thing you can't smell the stank dog breath....

Good thing you can’t smell the stank dog breath….


If you didn’t hear so much as “see” or “feel” information, don’t sweat it. Some people may be very strong in the clairaudience department, others (like me) have it pop up only on occasion (like my disco moment).

The point of this exercise is to see how open that particular channel is for you; none are any better than the others. And many people will have a combination of channels by which they receive psychic information.

Experiment with your own clairaudience facility on a regular basis. The goal is to see how much your “inner ear” is working. If it seems stone-deaf, not to worry: I’ll share info on “clairvoyance” next. Eventually, you’ll find your own psychic style.


Become More Psychic: Clairsentience

Intuition is a completely natural thing– like fingerprints, curly hair or the lack of a singing voice (oh wait, that’s me).  It’s simply hardwired into humans.

We all experience random psychic flashes (gut feelings, first impressions, etc.)  But you can develop your own psychic ability to the point where you can consciously work with it.  Trust me on this one — YOU are psychic.  For real.

Anyway, there are a number of ways in which psychic info comes in from the ether: you may be stronger in one versus the others, or you may have a mashup of all of them.  Let’s explore these channels one at a time.


“Clairsentience” literally means, “clear feeling.” The feelings can come as physical sensations or emotions.

Often when I’m working, I’ll feel stuff in my body to identify health issues: like a bad stomach or tension in my shoulders (fortunately, the manifestations pass). Or I may feel strong emotions as a way to ID what someone’s going through under their cool, calm surface. I may want to laugh, cry or yell – and yet, I know it’s not “me.”

Clairsentience comes in a lot if you’re tuning in to animals. That’s the most direct way they can reach us. The other day I did an Animal Communication session for a kitty who was off his food. I felt that the food had gone “bad” and had a bacteria or fungus in it that was causing the problem. I could “feel” the ickiness in kitty’s stomach and recommended nothing more than chicken broth, water and new food.

He got better. And thankfully, I didn’t hock up a hairball.

Here’s a way to test your own clairsentience.   Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Now relax, take some breaths and look at this picture of my cute cat. Just settle in and gently gaze at it….




As you look at the picture, do you feel anything? Physical, emotional?   Even if it doesn’t make sense, but falls into the category of physical or emotional feelings, make a note of it. [FUN BONUS: If you’d like to test your responses, leave me a comment and I’ll tell you if your info matches up .]

One of the main things about psychic work is getting out of your own way, not trying to figure out the info. [NOTE: if by chance you either “hear” things in your mind’s ear or “see” things in your mind’s eye, jot that down as well. Those are two more channels we’ll be exploring.]

Stay lightly engaged during this process – don’t push it.   The point is to figure out what “percentage” of your intuition comes in via this channel.    No channel is “better” than any other, so if you’re not getting anything, relax.

You might want to try this experiment with other images; again, don’t push. Just play with this sense channel. We’ll be discussing more in the next weeks. Have fun!


3 Secrets Of A Psychic

I met a woman the other day who knew precisely zero about psychics. It was an interesting conversation, as I tried to explain what I do, how I do it, etc. Afterwards, I realized that her biggest questions are ones that I get all the damn time.

So here’s some truth about the seemingly mysterious world that I live in.

Psychics are not unicorns

If you’ve ever had a hunch, first impression or a gut feeling, congratulations: you’ve had a psychic flash.   And since everyone has experienced at least one of those things, that means everyone is psychic. See what I did there?

The intuitive channel is inborn in each of us. Like supermodels or star athletes, some are genetically blessed with a seemingly effortless gift. Psychic info rolls in from the ether loud and clear, and they never break a sweat.

But the rest of us can work to develop our own unique psychic ability.   We may never be on the level of Derek Jeter, but we can at least get to the farm team and utilize our intuition to make life better.


I’ve written some other posts on how to become more psychic.  Here’s another one.

No psychic is 100% right

Working psychically is a bit of a dance between where the info comes from and how it filters into the human brain – then out of the psychic’s mouth.   The proof is what rings true for you, and also, whether that info makes you feel hopeful, empowered and strong.

If a psychic tries to scare you or makes you feel like they’re the only person who can fix your hot mess of a life, get the hell out of there. This is not the purpose of intuitive work.

I’ve had some snarky comments from haters who wonder why a psychic can’t be “put to the test” (newsflash: some have and done really well). The truth is, psychic energy is not a widget. It’s can’t always be measured empirically, simply because of the human delivery method (see above).

The concept of being open to something more fluid is a hard one for some folks to accept. Again, the evidence lies partly in the facts that will come out in a reading, but more importantly, what speaks to you in your gut.

Keep a reading in perspective; its one source of information – and bottom line, you must make your own decisions and choices.

I’m not “reading” you right now


When I tell people I’m psychic, some of them clench up – they’re wondering if I’m reading them right then and there. No, I’m just standing here in the Express Lane, trying to pay for my Lean Cuisine and copy of Star magazine.

Psychics are real people, with “to do” lists, families and everyday worries. Seriously, if I tuned in to everyone I deal with in the course of a day, I would wind up in the corner, drooling and sucking my thumb.

As a working psychic, I must manage my energy, so I read you only when it’s “time.” That’s for my health. Secondly, its not ethical to poke into someone’s bidness without their OK. So go ahead and exhale – I don’t know what you did last summer. Or last night.

Got any more questions about psychics? Hit me up!

Karma’s Not Always A Bitch – But When It Is….

I admit it – I love the Real Housewives of New Jersey. And I’ve been fascinated by the saga of Teresa and Joe’s criminal activity. They really had no clue that having a TV camera pointed at their extravagance might raise some red flags with government officials? (By contrast, nobody at the IRS would be interested in my cat-hair covered couch.)


Anyway, that new ‘ho, Terresssssa, made a comment in an earlier episode that “karma’s a bitch” and that Teresa is reaping the whirlwind from her generally skanky behavior. That got me to thinking about karma, payback and “what goes around, comes around.”

Karma is a weighty subject; its the idea that we carry unresolved issues from one life into the next until they’re sorted out.   But there’s a simpler aspect: the actions we take right now, good or bad, have a more immediate impact.

There’s an energetic component: if you have a positive or benign intention, good karma goes out into the ether. If you do things that are underhanded or have a sketchy angle, the negative goes out there, too.

And like a giant cosmic boomerang, those energies return in your direction – but with an added punch. (Having had a boomerang once hit me in the head, I can attest to the “ouch” factor.)


Wiccans have a saying that “whatever you put out comes back to you, three times three” (you do the math – but suffice to say, it’s a lot). That’s why no intelligent witch will work on the dark side; the initial payoff of a negative spell might be just fine. But watch out for later. Hoo boy, its gonna get ugly.

To me, karma is a physical law.   Our actions have a ripple effect, like throwing a stone into a pond. Most of us do more good than bad stuff, which balances things out. But I think its wise to weigh our big decisions by the impact they may have. Because that energy will return to you, three times three. Right, Teresa?


PS – Remember, if there’s something in your life that has you tied up in knots, a reading can help untangle things. Get in touch.

A Word About Ouija Boards

With Halloween right around the corner, I thought this excerpt from my book, OK, So You’re Dead: A Sassy Guide to the Afterlife, was timely.

Especially since, at the movies, Ouija, is scaring the crap out of people. Don’t believe all the hype – but on the flip side, don’t be an idiot either. Read on.


….I would bet that at some point in your life, you’ve had an experience with a Ouija board or seen them in the movies. For centuries, the “talking board” has been used to communicate with people in spirit. It’s amassed a reputation for being “evil,” a beacon for demonic entities. During a recent bout of insomnia, I saw a TV show where they trotted out those same old spooky tales. Oh brother.

Personally, I don’t view Ouija boards that way. In fact, I have a beautiful one, handmade by an artist friend of mine.   Another medium I know works exclusively with her board, using her main spirit guide as the control during sessions.

The thing with these tools is that, like a circular saw, Strontium 90 or a high-powered rifle, you really need to know what you’re doing. The board does serve as a portal between the worlds and one must be experienced to work safely with it.

I choose not to acknowledge evil spirits. I don’t want to give them any of my attention or any power. But I’m the first to admit that I don’t know it all and there are some things in this world I have yet to have firsthand experience of.   Using any kind of mediumistic tool without proper precautions is akin to just leaving your front door open all night long. You never know who – or what — will come in.   Leave the Ouija board to the professionals…..


Some Common Signs and Their Meanings

Signs and symbols are all around us.  They represent the language of the subconscious (hello, Carl Jung).  But frequently, they’re also a way for entities on the Other Side to speak with us.


When you have a question or an issue that you want guidance on, ask for a sign from your guides – then remain gently aware as you go through your day. Pay particular attention if you repeatedly see the same sign, or it pops up in a dream several times.

These signs may show up literally (like having a fender bender) — or as an image in an unusual place (like a pic of a baby in a store window).  Trust that sense in the back of your brain that tells you there’s something different.

The following list are some of the more common ones I’ve run across.  Got any favorites of your own?  Add them in the comments section!


ACCIDENT: A wake-up call; pay attention!

ACORN: From small beginnings, great things grow. Good sign when you’re starting something new.

AIRPLANE: Soaring to new heights; having high ideals.

BABY: New beginnings; potential; new spiritual awareness; new ideas.

BELL: Can be a warning; be alert.

BOAT: An emotional journey; leaving the safety of land to “test the waters.”

BOOKS: Wisdom, knowledge, lessons to be learned.

BUTTERFLY: New beginnings on a higher plane; joy and bliss.

CAR: Represents the “vehicle” that you travel through life in; if there are problems in the car, how do they represent what’s happening in your body or your life?

CAT: Your deep, intuitive self; feelings of independence and power.

CLOCKS: What is your relationship to time? Is it running too fast, too slow?

CLOUDS: Clear clouds mean spiritual uplifting: storm clouds indicate trouble brewing followed by a period of “cleansing.”

CROSS: Infinite love; a ladder to the highest levels of God; protection.

DOG: Faithfulness, loyalty, truthfulness.

FEATHER: Presence of spirit; an important message from the Creator.

FIRE: The power of the life force; desire; energy.

HOUSE: Represents your physical and spiritual body; if there are leaks, clogs, problems, what parts of your life mirror that? What do you need to “clean up” or “fix”?

KEY: Doors are opening; solutions are at hand.

LIGHTNING: Indicates speed, strength and awakening the life force; a very powerful sign.

MONEY: If you keep finding money, your finances are improving; coins or small change indicate “changes” on the way.

OCEAN: Represents inner power. What is the state of the water?   Calm or stormy?

PEN/PENCIL: Express yourself.

RAINBOW: Extremely favorable sign: a message that you’re going in the right direction; new hope after a period of difficulty.

STREET SIGNS and BILLBOARDS: Notice what they’re saying to you.

SNAKE: A symbol of healing, transformation.

STORM: Inner turmoil followed by a period of calm; the air is clearing.

TELEPHONE: Trying to get your attention; a subconscious message trying to come through.

TIDAL WAVE: Huge emotional upheaval.


7 Signs of Angels

One of the things I stress to my clients is, you don’t have to go it alone. Human life is hard, but between angels, spirit guides and our loved ones on the Other Side, there are plenty of folks ready to help guide us over the potholes and gaping sinkholes we encounter. All you need do is send up the Bat Signal. Then pay attention.

Here are some common signs that you’ve been heard:

1) Feathers: white feathers are commonly regarded as a sign of the angels. Sometimes you’ll find a big fat one; but small ones are no less potent. I was sitting outside the other day meditating when a tiny white feather drifted right down from nowhere. Sweet.

2) Butterflies. What a sign of transformation! You don’t necessarily have to see a live one; a photo or one on TV also counts.

3) Dragonflies. With their ability to “walk on water” (literally), dragonflies remind us to look beneath the surface. And, like the explanation above, an image will do.

4) Coins. Notice where and when you find them, if they’re especially shiny or have a significant date on them.

5) Music. Flip on the radio after sending up your request and notice what random lyrics have to say. Also, a particular artist may remind you of someone on the Other Side.

6) Rainbows. Judy Garland sang about ‘em for a reason. And they were a sign to Noah that the storm had passed.

7) Sparkles of light. When you catch them out of the corner of your eye, you can be sure it’s the presence of a helper.

The thing about these indicators is, they stand out. There’s something out of the ordinary about when, where and how you experience them.

I was once walking through Times Square with a colleague who was grieving the loss of his mother. Her nickname had been “Bird,” so every feather he encountered on the nasty, funky street, he just had to pick up. The gazillion pigeons in the area just gave him side-eye. Because, pigeons.

The point is, you’ll KNOW when it’s a sign. Trust it.

Also trust that help will come from spirit-side; but it may not show up in the way you expect. For example, you may be gently steered to overhear a conversation about a company that’s hiring, rather than get a promotion at your present job. Keep an open mind – our helpers know what they’re doing.

What signs of spirit presence have you experienced?  Leave it in the comments.


Four Tools for A Spiritual Makeover

I recently re-did my office to make it my “reading room” for clients. Put away are the corporate items that once dominated the room: files, binders with reports, back issues of trade magazines and biz-related books. Those now reside in a couple of big containers stashed elsewhere.

Instead, I’ve consciously reworked the space to give off a peaceful, healing and spiritual vibe.   It helps me during the reading, but it also puts my client into a calm, positive space that they take with them afterwards.

Over the years, I’ve amassed a boatload of tools, tchotkes, potions, powders, Tarot decks, oracle decks, books and more related to the spiritual realms. I had fun dragging them all out and arranging them in my new room. But when it gets right down to it, there are four things that anyone can display in their home that will instantly pull in wonderful energies.


One of my friends had a living room that looked like a rock shop. Crystals everywhere.   I haven’t gone that far, but I do keep some particular ones in my room: quartz, amethyst and rose quartz. Those are the go-to stones and cover a lot of ground, purpose-wise. Displaying even a single crystal in your home changes the energies. I wrote more about stones here and here.



The light from a candle isn’t just warm and peaceful, it serves as a beacon to helpful entities on the Other Side. They’re drawn to the gentle illumination. The ritual of lighting a candle instantly dials down the everyday drama and puts you in a more peaceful state.



There’s a reason churches and temples burn incense: it creates sacred space. In some traditions, incense “carries” our prayers to the heavens.   Before my client arrives, I light the incense, then carry it around the room (in a dish of sand so no random embers drop onto the carpet). It’s the fastest way to “get in the zone.”



At last count, I had figures of Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Archangel Michael, St. Teresa, St. Anthony, St. Francis, random angels, a Native American shaman and some Hindu god whose name escapes me. Seeing this parade of enlightened beings from all traditions grounds me. It reminds me that there are entities available to help us as we navigate life’s ups and downs. But even a single image of a being meaningful to you instantly draws in powerful spiritual energy.


Got any favorite items of your own? How do you “make over” your space?  Spill it in the comments!